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MSHSL Gymnastics Rules Presentation

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Secured Help Documents
Must be logged in as a Coach, Club Manager or Meet Manager Personnel to view.
How to change a score post-meet
How to Export Scores to MeetScoresOnline
How to purchase a Scoring License v20220120
How to Register a New Athlete and Why We Look Up and Select an Existing Athlete
Meet Control Training
Uploading Coach Certificates and Coach Pictures
Video - Add An Athlete
Video - Change Permissions
Video - Changing the Meet Date
Video - Changing Your Password
VIDEO - Meet Creation Help
Video - Update Gym Information

Recently Asked Deep Thoughts...

   Question: How do I handle a Varsity and JV meet at the same time?

ANSWER: 1) These meets are handled as 2 separate meets. Create both meets, then from your computer open 2 browser windows. You can switch between the windows to do score entry and see results. This is handled as 2 meets to keep the team scoring calculations accurate.

   Question: I set the wrong number of judges for a meet - How do I change it?

ANSWER: 1) Unfortunately once the number of judges is picked during meet creation - it's set in the database. This is to protect the scores and the calculations. If this happens to you, simply rename the bad meet with the word DELETE in the name. (We will clean it up for you) Then create a new meet with the proper settings.

   Question: How do I print easy to read results?

ANSWER: 1) On the Meet Scores Page. Set your filters as needed, then click the PRINT TO PDF at the top right of the screen.

   Question: How do I hide gymnasts that have moved on from our team (retired) or our gym?

ANSWER: 1) Athletes can be "Retired" using the retired checkbox in the Athlete Profile Edit screen. This will prevent them from showing in your gymnast list under Club Management of your dashboard.
2) Retired Athletes will not show up in the default filter settings of the Athlete search.

   Question: How do I hide gymnasts that have moved on from our team (retired) or our club?

ANSWER: 1) Athletes can be "Retired" using the retired checkbox in the Athlete Profile Edit screen. This will prevent them from showing in your gymnast list under Club Management of your dashboard.
2) Retired Athletes will not show up in the default filter settings of the Athlete search.

   Question:I have a number of gymnasts that have graduated to area high school programs... I need to remove a bunch of gymnasts that are listed.

ANSWER: 1) Gymnasts that were in your program, will always be under your club for HISTORY and STATS. If they will not be active this year (or future) do nothing to them. Costs you nothing to have them there.
2) Gymnasts that TRANSFER - will need to notify the REGISTRAR (Me) and advise what club to transfer them too. The receiving club will then have them to work with/activate (and pay for). The stats for their previous experience with your club will still be there for history sake.

Note - To better understand athletes that were in your program and are no longer there: They only appear in HISTORY of your Club/Teams based on the stats in the system. They also only appear in your CLUB MANAGEMENT screen. Only ACTIVE/PAID Athletes appear to the public view. So there is nothing that needs to be done with them.
If it's requested, we could build a function to HIDE an athlete. However the current concern is that if we hide an "INACTIVE" athlete then there's the possibility of them needing to be reactivated, then they'd be duplicated if someone registers them again not using the INACTIVE (or hidden) athlete. This would break the athlete ID and history of that athlete.
Please continue to send any questions. I'm going to post questions on the system under FAQ's.

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